There will be many doorways to the lower world that will open at this time. Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century [2] . The legend of the Blue Kachina also corresponds with Mayan prophecies and the Planet X theory, suggesting an interdependence between Hopi assumptions and those of the Mayan civilization. Others will have great deformities, both in the mind and upon their bodies. [2], The prophecies entered the "alternative mainstream" in 1987 in a new age event, the "Harmonic Convergence" when many gathered at Prophecy Rock at the Hopi mesas. These prophecies have been passed down from generation to. This sounds like a veritable UFO invasion! In the final days the Blue Star Katchina will come to be with his nephews and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation which is counter clock wise. White Feather told David Young of his adventures across the American continent, following the sacred paths of his people and visiting the holy altars. The twins will be seen in our North Western skies. All living things will want to be present for this day when time ends, and we enter the forever cycle of the Fifth World. 72, p.86, SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS),[7] Manilius 1.884, taken from "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", p.86[8] Frank Waters, Book of the Hopi, Ballantine Books, New York, 1963, p 38. It is said that, long ago, the spirits themselves came to the villages, but today the people have lost the ability to see them, so the Hopi impersonate these spirits during their dances by wearing costumes and sacred masks. The next three Signs point to other European influences, such as the arrival of cattle, and the emergence of railroads and telephone lines. predicted. Instead, he starts to resemble the eschatological Saviour figure, full of awe and majesty, described in so many ancient texts. It will appear as a blue star. " It also speaks about the manifestation of nine signs foretelling this world-changing event. When he left, a piece of the sacred tablet was broken off and given to him so that when he rejoined his brothers this piece would match the tablet it had been broken from and identify him as their brother.[9]. Frank Waters mentions that the kachina had accompanied the Hopi during their migrations. Account & Lists Returns & Orders. [1] On a blistering hot summer day in 1958, a minister named David Young was driving along a highway in New Mexico, when he saw an elderly Indian walking along the roads gravel shoulder. those who cling together. It is believed that the Ant People had helped the White God discover corn on a mountain packed full of grain and seeds. They will come and visit to see who still remembered the original teachings, flying in their Patuwvotas, or flying shields. In the final days, the Blue Star Kachina will come to be with his nephews, and they will return the Earth to its natural rotation, which is counter-clockwise. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. With him there will be two great ones, both very wise and powerfulThe three will lay out a new life plan which leads to everlasting life and peace. An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge". While explaining to The Daily Courier an ancient petroglyph near the village of Mishongnovi in Second Mesa, that depicts a dome-shaped object, he said, The arrow on which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space. Latest UFO Sightings, Daily UFO News, Alien UFO Disclosure, Ancient Mysteries, Moon and Mars Anomalies, Paranormal, Spirituality and more.. Indeed, they (Hopi) assert that kachinas came up with them during their Emergence from the womb of Mother Earth.[10] The kachinas took the forms of ordinary people and gave help and guidance to the clans. Or was he a white man? Terrible will be the result. And this is the Ninth and Last Sign: You will hear of a dwelling-house in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. The blue star Kachina according to the Hopi mythology is a spirit that signify the coming of the beginning of a new world, and the spirit appears in the form of a blue star. The day is referred to by the Hopi as "the Day of Purification.". They will bring many of their star family with them in the final days, The return of the Blue Star Kachina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. The earth will become new as it was from the beginning. There are fears that even China may also get drawn into a conflict against the western powers. Hopi Prophecy of Koyaanisqatsi: Before the Purification a dwelling place above the Earth will fall from the heavens with a great crash and burn. It arrives when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes . The way to get through the difficult times that lie ahead as the Hopi instruct us is to reconnect with our inner Self and return to a life of simplicity, led in harmony with the Earth and all its creatures, with love for the Great Spirit and for one another. Those who are saved will share everything equally and they all will recognize Great Spirit and speak one language.. The return of the Blue Star Katchina who is also known as Nan ga sohu will be the alarm clock that tells us of the new day and new way of life, a new world that is coming. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to other planets. Dr. Wolf has worked for many years with indigenous elders in both North and South America, many of whom have embraced him as a spiritual teacher and ceremonial leader in his own right. [9] Ibid, p 136. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. The Saquasohuh refers to a spirit that will appear in the form of a blue star to signify the beginning of the new world. the European settlers bringing their families in wagons. In the Final days we will look up in our heavens and we will witness the return of the two brothers who helped create this world in the birthing time. The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a "Kachina" removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children [the general public]. Today we call this blue star Sirius (for the Greeks, to the Hopi it is . Needless to say, this prophecy dates from 1963, as recorded by Frank Waters in The Book of the Hopi, and is similarly not ancient. [citation needed], Author Jason Colavito was not able to find any reference to the name "Blue Star Kachina" before Frank Water's "Book of the Hopi" in 1963. Proof of these encounters can be found everywhere across the globe, and it consists of paintings, sculptures, readings, drawings, and even descendants from people of old who had experienced such mythical encounters. The existence of legends and prophecies seems to outline this fact. And where was he coming from? Even now the seeds are being planted. predicted. Material matters will be destroyed by spiritual beings who will remain to create one world and one nation under one power, that of the Creator.[4] Frank Water writes that, as per the prophecy, World War III will be started by those people who first received the light (the divine wisdom or intelligence) in the other old countries (India, China, Egypt, Palestine, Africa). [7] It is said that if the True White Brother fails in his mission and is unable to find uncorrupted men and women, that the earth will be completely destroyed and none will be spared. Would love to learn more. (Must View Video). THE HOPI PROPECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachina's. Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. [1] Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century. The Mystery of New York's Renegade Subway Psychic, Forget About What We Know About Roswell: It's What's Missing About the Case That We Need to Look For, Archeologists Discover Another Secret Corridor Inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have fared in our journey.[14], This prophecy is replete with intriguing symbolisms and extraordinary claims. Another Dustbowl. But who was this saviour personality? Then one morning in a moment. Many will appear to have lost their souls in these final days. The source of the tension slowly sank about a 100 miles while drifting westward, Around 2000 AD the pent-up tension was released and during the last 22 years has thrust upward around 250 miles with and addition Northward thrust of about 10 to 15 degrees. Day of Purification. Like the previous worlds, Twaqachi is also prophesied to be destroyed because of the corruption of humanity. Espaol. [5], The ninth and final sign of destruction is described by White Feather (via Waters) as, "You will hear of a dwelling-place in the heavens, above the earth, that shall fall with a great crash. There was, in fact, a widely held belief in the ancient world that certain comets act as portents of war, by driving men into a state of madness and frenzy. As a fearful pathogen sweeps the planet, his warnings seem more timely than ever. What we can gather from this is that, the lost white brother Pahana is someone who will return with the missing piece of the stone tablet given to the Fire Clan. Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier The Red Kachina, who will bring the day of purification. Life will get very perverted, and there will be little social order, in these times Many will ask for the mountains themselves to fall upon them just to end their misery. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. It will come when the Saquasohul (Blue Star) kachina dances in the plaza. Today, they remain hidden, waiting for their ancestors to return and cleanse the land of humans. The ones who remember the original teachings and have reconnected their hearts and spirit. As translator for Hopi elders, Thomas Banyacya Sr. (1909-1999) traversed the globe for 50 years sharing the Hopi Prophecy. - Blue Star Fulfilling Prophecy - Miriam Delicado. This will be the Day of Purification. The Fifth Sign was that, the land shall be criss-crossed by a giant spiders web, by which was meant the electric and telephone lines. The sight must have been spectacular but, besides the view, ancient writings tell us people received cosmic signs from their gods and also witnessed what can only be described as alien encounters. The Third Sign was about a strange beast, like a buffalo, but with great long horns, that will overtake the land an obvious reference to the cattle brought by the new settlers. The Ant People, however, are not mentioned, which is a bit strange, since the Hopi had found shelter in the underground chambers of the Ant People when the First and Second Worlds were destroyed by Sotuknang. Very soon after this, the ceremonies of my people will cease". They will disappear, for they are just hollow vessels for any thing to use. GIZE, STONEHENGE, CHICHEN ITZA, ETC,ETC: HOPI EN ARIZONA (TIERRA ROJA Y EN EL PARALELO 33)-NEXO CON ORION Elegir otro panel de mensajes: Tema anterior Tema siguiente: Respuesta: Mensaje 1 de 64 en el tema : De: BARILOCHENSE6999 (Mensaje original) Getting simple and returning to living with and upon the Earth and in harmony with her creatures. The rotation of the Earth has been manipulated by not so benevolent Star beings . When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens the 5th world will emerge. For a kachina to remove his mask during one of these annual sacred rituals is indeed unprecedented. The Hopi prophecies state that we are about the enter the fifth world. All the mysteries and the powers in the Above belonged to Tawa, while Spider Woman controlled the magic of the Below. [1] Author Jason Colavito investigated this prophecy and found no reference to it before the late twentieth century. It was to Spider Woman's two grandsons the sacred stone tablets were given. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. About Nemesis / Nibiru - Anunnaki - Red & Blue Kachina Hopi Prophecy. Confusion between sexes, and children and their elders. The Fourth Sign was that the prairie will be crossed by snakes of iron the railway tracks! This is the Blue Kachina!!! Besides, how would any normal person accomplish all that is expected of Pahana? All life forms will receive the messages from the twins.. those that fly, the plants, even the rabbit. The Hopi Indians known as the "People of Peace", primarily reside in the desert highlands of northeastern Arizona on the Hopi Reservation. The Kachina or Blue Star of Hopi prophecy is said to take off his mask while dancing in the plaza. The 9th Stage of the Hopi Prophecy - Blue Star Kachina/Comet ISON Nope. It ties in with the deity Shiva dancing at the washing of sons of Sagara in the river Ganges, bringing them back to life. The last two decades have seen an almost continuous wave of battles being waged by America and its allies against the countries of the Middle East and Northern Africa. Many of people in this time will be empty in Spirit they will have Sampacu. Other accounts have it that Tawa, or Taiowa, first created Sotuknang, whom he called his nephew . This will be the Day of Purification. The Hopi say that their ancestors were star people who came from the Pleiades a place they call Chuhukon i.e. Even those who do not feel their connection to spirit will see the face of creator across the sky. Do you remember back in 1997, the Hopi Elders appeared with Dr. Robert Ghost Wolf on Art Bells Coast to Coast show, they spoke to millions of wary listeners around the world as they. One will come as a warning to humanity to change their ways, while the second will come as the . They spoke of Earth Changes, and Firestorms. and they talked about the Eight Thunders Prophecies and the Pale Prophet. They will survive and build the new world. I also think the blue Kachina and red happen together within a short time frame. Two blue stars are about to collide, could this be the blue star the Hopi speak of & does this meaning of the human race that the guidestones predicted, 90% of the human race to be culled & why did the stones suddenly explode. Some more pertinent information about Pahana, which is aligned with this line of thinking, can be gleaned from the The Hopi Message to the United Nations in 1992.[13]. The Hopi believe that we are in the last days of the prophecy, although no-one knows the exact timings of these events. Now, the kachina are a large number of spirits (more than 300) representing ancestors, stars, planets, birds, animals, plants, mountains, clouds or invisible forces - who answer to the prayers of the Hopi and bestow blessings in the form of health, joy, rain and good harvest. Though many civilizations around the globe support religious beliefs of white gods descending from the sky, the Hopi tribe believe their ancestors came from within the ground. The Crop Circle phenomenon, which has been going on unabated for the past few decades, could be an early warning system, sending us signals of the impending transition. [1] Joey R. Jochmans, "Rolling Thunder: The Coming Earth Changes", Sun Publishing Company, 1980, p 110-115. The three previous Worlds were destroyed due to global cataclysms when the people started living out of balance with spirit and nature, and forgot to sing praises to the Creator. This is the Seventh Sign and it is the first that is yet to come. Our relatives from the Stars are coming home to see how well we have faired in our journey. The Hopi of northern Arizona have a prophecy of the End Times. Every living thing will be offered the opportunity to change from the largest to the smallest thing. The boundaries between the dimensions will dissolve and what has been denied and brushed under the carpet will be revealed for all to see. The falling of Seven Macaw or Cygnus the Swan relates to the Hopi prophecy of the return of Massau and the emergence of the Fifth World. In Colavito's article, he found that the earliest mention of the nine signs that are now associated with the "Blue Kachina" is to a Methodist pastor David Young who picked up a Hopi hitchhiker White Feather in 1958, and then wrote a pamphlet based on his memories of what they said. Hopi means People of Peace . Pliny wrote that, the ceratias comet has the form of a horn, like the one that appeared when the Greeks fought the final battle at Samalmis[6] (in 480 BCE). This person was their lost white brother Pahana, who would return to them with the missing corner piece of the tablet, deliver them from their persecutors, and work out with them a new and universal brotherhood of man. THE HOPI PROPECY of the Blue & Red Star Kachina's April 11, 2016 Firebird Note: There is perhaps no better prophecy, and one of such high integrity, from the traditions of the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas that predicts the ending of the present era than the Red Star Kachina. Still others will appear as if untouched by what is occurring. On this day the earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever.. One of the core beliefs of the Hopi is that their prayers and ceremonies play a vital role in holding world in balance; and if they are not performed, there are negative consequences. On this day the Earth, her creatures and all life as we know it will change forever. The prophecy says when you see the blue Kachina, the time of purification is near. The Chupacabra: Could There be FOUR Different Types? The signs over many years have been fulfilled, and so few are left.. (NOTE: Pahana is a Hopi "Star-Being" or Kachina, which they see as one of their ancestors that now resides somewhere else among the stars, but who is destined to return to the Earth one day. a particularly brilliant comet. What they are not telling you is that this is our Second Sun (Dead Star). Heres one Hunter Biden thread everyone needs to read! {"cookieName":"wBounce","isAggressive":false,"isSitewide":true,"hesitation":"1","openAnimation":"lightSpeedIn","exitAnimation":"flip","timer":"","sensitivity":"","cookieExpire":"15","cookieDomain":"","autoFire":"","isAnalyticsEnabled":false}, Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Possible Solutions, What Pressure Care Is and How It Can Be Delivered, Hilot: an Ancient Filipino Art of Healing, Legends and Stories of Bodhisattva Vajrapani, Hecate: Goddess of the Moon, Light and Magic in Greek Mythology and Religion, Moses Was High on Hallucinogenic Drug When he Received The Ten Commandments. David stopped the car and offered him a ride to the next town. 26K views 2 years ago In Hopi oral History, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the. Only in the ancient teachings will the ability to understand the messages be found. The same group of enlightened skywatchers also understands the transient Blue Star as merely a precursor to the main event theRed Star Kachina. Those who remember who their mother and father is. The Pahana who have left to live in the Mountains and forest. [2], There is evidence gathered by Armin Geertz that the Hopi "continuously recreate their prophecies to justify current conditions" (Colavito's words) and that all the prophecies were composed after the events they prophecy.[2]. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. This fact is evidenced in many petroglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. Could it be happening right now? An ancient Hopi prophecy states that when the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge.. So, the final prophecy of White Feather seems to indicate that the end of the Fourth World will be brought about by a comet impact. Sometimes a comet remains stationary over a particular area for a long time. It will appear as a Blue Star. They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life. In many ways, the flames of this great war may have already been ignited. Frank Waters writes, Actually they come from much farther away, a long long way from neighbouring stars, constellations, too distant to be visible, from mysterious spirit worlds.[12]. the coming of The Blue Star Kachina and that the Purifier, the Red Star Kachina would follow shortly after the twins had (Hale-bopp) passed from our . My Sirian knows I am deeply creative, and that I love beautiful symbolism. Watching us to see how well we have remembered the sacred teachings. It will come when the Saquashohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes her mask. If there is another World War, it will be fought with nuclear weapons, which can usher in a global holocaust. As per Manilius, a comet appeared during the plague that broke out during the war between Athens and Sparta in 430 BCE.[7]. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. To them, the message was clear - we are approaching the end of the Fourth World and the Day of Purification. [ This idea of the Blue Star Kachina marking the end of all Hopi rituals is reflected in Waters' book, Book of the Hopi , in which he states, "The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a Kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza . Click here for the referenced link:RED STAR KACHINA: The Greatest Unfulfilled Prophecy Of The ThirdMillennium. This event would tell us that the end times are very near. The Anasazi are forefathers of the Hopi, which creates a direct link to the ancient Aztec culture. You will see many youths, who wear their hair long like my people, come and join the tribal nations, to learn their ways and wisdom. The Red Star will come very close to the Earth, and remain stationary in the sky for some time. A. Barrett, "Observations of Comets in Greek and Roman Sources Before A.D. 410", Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Vol. Many of my people, understanding the prophecies, shall be safe. The Hopi prophecies, as we have noted, have been preserved in a fragmentary manner - as most oral traditions are and it is only when we join together the bits and pieces of information coming from differerent sources does a rich tapestry begin to emerge. The story of the Blue Kachina is a very old story, very old. Over the past few centuries, as the Hopi came under the onslaught of new occupiers who tried to erase their old ways of life and exploit their sacred land for commercial gains, they saw the signs mentioned in their prophecies come to fruition one by one. But was he one of the Hopi? In his youth, my father saw this prophecy come true with his eyes. When the First World was destroyed, people returned from the ground to the outer world to live as ants for the continuation of the Second World. The end of all . They will start as fires that burn within us, and we will burn up with desires and conflict if we do not remember the original teachings, and return to the peaceful way of life, Not far behind the twins will come the Purifier - The Red Kachina, who will bring the Day of Purification. Poganghoya is the guardian of our North Pole and his Brother Palongawhoya is the guardian of the South pole. Interestingly, though, this prophecy makes explicit that the end of the world will come when Saquasohuh Kachina dances. In this way we will know that the Creator is not a dream. You perhaps you will see it. Could it be happening right now? For much of reality will not be as it is now. White Feather went on to say that, the Fourth World will end soon, and the Fifth World will begin. When the Hopi had met the Spaniard Pedro de Tovar - the first white man they had ever seen - they welcomed him as Pahana. The rivers of stones mentioned in the Sixth Sign can only be roads and highways. Upon reaching there, he was to erect a shrine and rest his forehead on the ground once. He wrote that, The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated children.[2]. And soon - very soon afterward - Pahana will return. These two brothers were instructed to carry them to a place the Great Spirit had instructed them. The prophecy speaks about the return of the Blue Star Kachina (Saquasohuh), who will open the door to the Fifth Age of Man, and the Red Star Kachina or Purifier would then follow shortly after. Hello, sign in. When the Saquahuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask, the time of the great trial will be here. This fact is evidenced in many petroglyphs that speak of the Zodiac, and within the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids. The Sixth Sign was, the land shall be criss-crossed by rivers of stone that makes pictures in the sun. This refers to the concrete highways that create mirage-like effects under the scorching sun. And now the battlelines are shifting eastwards with the onset of the hostilities in Ukraine. They say that toward the final phase of our current Fourth World, the Blue Star Kachina (Sakwa Sohu) will dance in the village plaza and then remove his mask. I am old and dying. The Hopi believe there will be a 'Day of Purification' during catastrophic events as the present world ends. Frank Waters and Hopi informant Oswald White Bear Fredericks in their popular Book of the Hopi proclaim: "The end of all Hopi ceremonialism will come when a kachina removes his mask during a dance in the plaza before uninitiated." The return of Pahana is a momentous event that the Hopi people have been waiting for a long time. It will appear as a blue star. The Hopi Indians known as the "People of Peace", primarily reside in the desert highlands of northeastern Arizona on the Hopi Reservation. Passed down from generation to generation . Those that walk through these places will be very heavy in their walk, it will appear almost painful as they take each step for they will be disconnected from their spirit and the Earth. What happens when this reaches the surface? The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina. Hopi Prophecy: The Signs. The time grows short., Evidently, White Feather was distraught by the lack of interest shown by the younger generation of Hopi people in following the ancient rituals and ceremonies. The Ant People were crucial to their survival during the total destruction of the first world by fire. No, the blue star is here right now, some call him the enforcer, he is stopping the cabal evil at every turn to not destroy anything on the planet. I was just told of these prophecies. I was told this story by grandfathers who are now between 80 and 108 years of age. Frank Waters also wrote about Saquasohul, the Blue Star Kachina in The Book of the Hopi, the story came from Grandfather Dan, Oldest HopiIt was told to me that first the Blue Kachina would start to be seen at the dances, and would make his appearance known to the children in the plaza during the night dance. [2] Overview [ edit] Of course, the Hopi are not reticent about their beliefs in UFOs and extraterrestrials. The Hopi name for the star Sirius is Blue Star Kachina.
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