That's the way I took it. There's this theory about the Emperor not actually "talking" but rather transmitting ideas and letting the recipients process them in their own way. By the time he led his Death Guard in the Siege of Terra, Mortarion had been fully embraced by the Plague God Nurgle, and transformed into the vast, bug-winged, daemonic form he . He had destroyed the Librarius of the Legions only to find witches were now untrammelled amongst the Traitors. They were massive, heavier-set than the Khan's retinue, hunched at the shoulder and leaking pale green vapour from the last of the teleportation beams. Horus went from the greatest, to a cry baby demigod who couldn't handle his job. Jaghatai Khan remarked that besides himself, Mortarion was the only Primarch whose deeds and history were not well known to the greater Imperium. As the creature died, and her quintessential matter was sucked back into the maw of the aether, she managed a mock salute, "Hail, Master of the Plague!" Horus promised that if Mortarion joined his cause and supported his rebellion they would cleanse the Imperium of the Emperor's taint, and build a new regime free of their gene-father's lies, manipulations and deceit. If Mortarion could defeat the High Overlord Necare, the stranger would leave. The void around him now seethed with witchery, more virulent than ever. Magnus helped Mortarion control his new abilities, allowing the Primarch to regain his lost composure. He climbed higher than he had ever gone before, ignoring the increasing toxins. I think Emps has ascended to the point where he is legitimately beyond anything close to mortal emotions in the way we can understand them. [1][6b], As Mortarion descended, he began to realise he had found his people. He ruled over a toxic death world of poison, horror and misery, with his own position ironically mirroring the one his monstrous step-father had held on Barbarus. Eventually, only one peak denied them access, the one on which Mortarion's adoptive father had made his home. Hannibal speaks to the imagination, to the feelings, to the passions, to exalted senses and to debased ones. Though still gravely wounded and in deep pain, the Death Lord teleported down to the surface, seeking a mortal woman. He heard the voice of Nurgle, stating that without his submission that he and the Death Guard would be doomed to this torture for all eternity. He formed them into elite units and drilled them himself. The first invaders to issue forth from the Scourge Stars were the Death Guard, led by grim Mortarion, who now brought the fabled Realm of Ultramar, gem of the whole segmentum, under siege. !" . This was Mortarion's great project. Six of them were Legionaries. Where they were gaunt and pale skinned, the stranger had bronzed flesh and a perfect physique. However, en route, the entire Death Guard Legion fleet became trapped in the Immaterium due to the actions of First Captain Calas Typhon, trapping them in a perpetual nightmare. . However Mortarion found his once-beloved brother Typhon changed, and once their vessels were inside the Warp the First Captain framed all of the fleet's Navigators. Mortarion was too weak to reach the top of the peak where the Overlord lived, so the Emperor finished him off himself, earning Mortarion's undying hatred. His flesh was somehow bleaker, his stance a little more crabbed, and yet the aura of intimidation around him had been augmented. I do not wallow in this corruption. Heute senkt sich die Klinge auf den Nacken der Tyrannei." Im fnfzehnten Primarchs-Roman feiert Mortarion seinen groen Auftritt com Mutilators.34 Chaos Rhino.34 Chaos Bikers.35 Raptors.35 Warp Talons.36 Chaos Spawn.36 Heldrake.37 Chaos Land Raider.37 Chaos Predator.38 Chaos Vindicator.38 Obliterators.39 Havocs.39 Forgefiend..40 Maulerfiend.40 Defiler.41 Khorne Lord of Skulls..42 orld Ef He only ever found friendship in two other Primarchs, Night Haunter and Horus. He also armed his warriors with crude air filtration apparatus. So close did Mortarion and Horus become that the ever watchful Roboute Guilliman of the Ultramarines and Corax of the Raven Guard approached the Emperor with concerns as to where Mortarion's loyalties lay. However with submission would come new unparalleled endurance and power. As each battle in the mists was fought, Mortarion and his Death Guard would learn how to better adapt the armour, and themselves, to reach the more poisonous heights. Mortarion revealed his true colours during the scouring of Istvaan III, when he willingly sent potentially Loyalist elements of the Death Guard into Horus' trap. In the end, Horus was defeated by the Emperor, but unlike the other Legions, who splintered and fled into the Eye of Terror, Mortarion's Legion, now calling themselves the Plague Marines, made an orderly withdrawal, wave after wave of Loyalists breaking themselves on the Legion. Mortarion Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. So did systems fall, creating the Scourge Stars -- a trio of sickly star systems that had fallen to Nurgle. Rank While Mortarion has established that the change is irreversible that could be seen more as the words of Nurgle put in his mouth (God of Despair and all that), since according to the previous theory if he had actually believed this he would have been literally incapable of understanding the message as hope but rather he would have heard the ultimate insult. Search "the emperor speaks to Gulliman" and you will find a few threads with the . He enlisted the aid of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artificers to create suits of armour that would allow men to travel through the poisonous fog. Mortarion was present at the Council of Nikaea, where he spoke out against his brother, the Primarch Magnus the Red. Jaghatai had been right -- the Death Lord was on his own with them. With new recruitment at issue, Barbarus itself in a short span of Terran years became little more than a factory of sorts to produce new recruits for the Death Guard Legion, and intake from other sources of recruitment to which the Legion had title dwindled to a mere handful, unless the pressure of fatalities in the field proved too great. For much of the Great Crusade, the errant White Scars Legion under the command of the Primarch Jaghatai Khan had remained noticeably absent from the current chain of events that were only now beginning to trickle in to their fleet's astropathic choirs. Their pauldrons were olive-green and the links between the plates were cold iron. The Emperor gave him plenty and even went with the Nikea edict.To me Morty was just a hypocritic doofus thinking he can control the powers of the warp. The connection between father and son immediately formed and was plain to see, although Mortarion knew nothing of the link. Then, the stranger stepped between them and, defying the fog, killed the warlord with one mighty sweep of his sword[1][6b]. Mortarion had chafed at this role, while the Khan had embraced it. They were the outriders. Breaking through the poisonous mists, Mortarion discovered that the prey of the warlords were in fact the same species as he, and swore to deliver them from their oppression. . Mortarion turned away and began the ascent to the final mansion, that of the man he had called father, alone. He had seen them all -- the tyrants, the witches, the xenos filth. This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at one of the biggest boosts in the 9th Edition Codex: Death Guard. As they interpreted the astropathic messages they received in a contradictory manner, they began to suspect that things were not right. Mortarion is the Primarch of the Death Guard, and fourteenth son of the Emperor. I set bounds on it"[13a]. Indeed, Mortarion had become disgusted with what exactly the Emperor was, considering him a Warp-tainted "aberration" like his tyrant adopted father. It was during this time that Typhon caught a glimpse of what the Astartes could truly become if they shrugged off the yoke of the Emperor's ambitions. Mortarion simultaneously experienced himself before the Emperor after his failure to kill his father, and finally snapped. And lets face it, GW wont go for it anyway, so this off hand comment is just a red herring. He was revelling in his victory until the silence was shattered by the scream of a child. Their restless fleet ploughed the cold void from one campaign to the next, resupplying on the move, never pausing but to make war. The stranger commented that even Mortarion and his Death Guard were having trouble pacifying the final warlord, and offered a challenge. Mortarion believed that victory in battle came through sheer resilience, and Horus, who used the strengths and weaknesses of the different legions to create the most efficient fighting force possible, used his legion in co-ordination with Mortarion's frequently. Descending upon the battlefields of the 41st Millennium on wings of tattered leather is Mortarion, the Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. He shaped it so well that Nurgle promoted him to Daemon Prince. Within his private quarters he interrogated the woman, who in truth was a daemon in possession of the woman's body. Mortarion still believed himself not a slave to Chaos, and sought to transform Ultramar into an extension of the Garden of Nurgle. As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. [1][6b], People say that Mortarion flattened the wooden door to the banquet room and he found the elders and a stranger who was their opposite in every way. From Mortarion's POV, he thinks the change is irreversible. Mortarion predicted that only strife between the Primarchs would rise if the Emperor were to abandon the Great Crusade personally and used Horus as his proxy. the emperor speaks to mortarion. The Deathshroud Terminators lowered their scythes in a combat posture. Compelled by fate or circumstance, the Ynnari lent their aid to Archmagos Belisarius Cawl, Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax and rescued them from the forces of Abaddon on Klaisus, the ice moon of Kasr Holn after the fall of Cadia. Mortarion was transformed into a Daemon Prince of the Plaguefather, the living embodiment of life in death, and death in life. Mortarion, also known as the Death Lord or the Prince of Decay after he turned to Chaos, was one of the original twenty (later reduced to eighteen) Primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind. Eventually, the time he had waited for arrived, a way to prove himself in the eyes of his fellow humans. Mortarion didn't need much convincing to join Horus, having come to hate both his father and the civilian leadership of the Imperium, wanting the strong to rule over the weak. For the best viewing experience, we recommend using old reddit version - But the foul creature laughed at Mortarion's efforts. [1][6b], Only the top of the mountains denied him access. Jaghatai realised that his brother had come to persuade him to join the Traitors' cause. . Whether that is because of his: 3. "There is no darkness to be found between the void of stars, nor the deepest pits of the earth that equals the darkness of Mankind's deeds.". The virulent plagues infected the fleet while they drifted aimlessly through the Warp, making a mockery of the Death Guard's legendary resistance to toxins and contagions. Primarch Mortarion of the Death Guard Legion surrounded by his Deathshroud Honour Guard. However after Malcador explained that the purpose of the Golden Throne was to remove mankind's need of the Warp, Mortarion was put more at ease. During the subsequent assault on Terra itself at the end of the Heresy by the Traitor Legions, the Death Guard were part of Horus' invasion force. Many have claimed to have conversed with the Emperor. [19] During a war council he mocked Perturabo for not fully embracing Chaos but nonetheless allowed Typhus to work with the Iron Warriors Primarch as part of a ritual to weaken the Emperor's psychic shield of the Palace. Mortarion travelled from settlement to settlement, teaching, building and defending his people. [15] During that campaign, Mortarion appeared during the Invasion of Konor where he led the Death Guard in an attempt to break through to Macragge itself. Categories . 1 . There's no one else I'd rather have by my side in a war of attrition, and almost anyone else I'd rather have against me.". The daemon continued to taunt the Primarch, goading him. It was Guilliman's tactical acumen that first stabilised the many war fronts of Ultramar, and his "Spear of Espandor" campaign, a brilliant counterattack, that successfully bought the forces of the Imperium still more time. He recently returned to Imperial space for the first time in ten thousand standard years when he led the forces of the Plague God in the invasion of the Realm of Ultramar during the Plague Wars. He later came to blows with Jaghatai Khan on Prospero after failing to convince him to join with them in rebellion. Solar decades of endless battle changed the Death Guard, and over time the Terran influences on the Legion became less and less apparent, with the panoply and traditions of the Dusk Raiders and the Officio Militaris erased in favour of Barbarus' bleak creed of war. It would be interesting if a traitor primarch managed an uno reserve card and betray their chaos god. I dont see anyone rejoining the imperium though, too much bad blood. Thinking for a moment that the worst was finally over, they soon saw dirty contrails of Drop Pods split the smoke-barred skies. [23], After Horus was defeated, Mortarion reappeared and claimed the Plague Planet in the Eye of Terror as his new base. Garro died, but not before giving Mortarion a painful wound in his neck with the broken shard of Libertas. However Typhon quickly came back to life, and both the First Captain and Daemon laughed as Mortarion realized he had been betrayed. [17b] According to a Daemon known as The Remnant, Mortarion had allowed Typhus to corrupt the Death Guard as he saw no other path for the survival of his sons. In the end the badly wounded Jaghatai Khan was impaled on the blade of Mortarion's scythe, but simply pulled his body along its length to get face-to-face with the Death Guard Primarch. Like thousands of other mortals the creature had encountered over the aeons, each was convinced that they alone could find a way to negotiate with the gods of the Warp with little to no consequence. The Emperor seems pretty confident that he can fix things. Though Mortarion had completed his great mission and the Emperor had handed down the Edicts of Nikaea forbidding the use of sorcery and the disbandment of the Legions' Librarius divisions, there were now more sorcerers than ever amongst the ranks of the Traitors. so many that the emperor comes here and is speaks with the ease of practice about conforming to merely "local" values. When Guilliman suddenly reawoke and channeled the power of the Emperor directly, Mortarion fled before the power of his Father. He would not countenance a new Emperor -- neither himself nor Mortarion. Grulgor strangled Typhon to death, fulfilling his oath to Mortarion to kill the First Captain. But this was exactly why Mortarion had come to find Jaghatai. Chaos(Death Guard) At this time the Emperor appeared, and challenged Mortarion to slay the Overlord alone, or swear fealty to him. This plague transformed the Death Guard into bloated mutants, unable to die by any means. The two primarchs circled one another, prepared to finally engage in a deadly duel that would decide their fates. 'Divine One,' he said, before he knew he was going to say anything at all. Following the Heresy, the ascended Mortarion shut himself off from the affairs of the Materium. The words he had spoken to his sons, proclaiming Horus as Warmaster of the Imperium ringing in his ears. Virus bombardments preceded the Death Guard. The power of the Warp was within him, and he was using it willingly, in spite of every one of his protestations. You like Cults and you want to help us continue the adventure independently?Please note that we are a small team of 3 people, therefore it is very simple to support us to maintain the activity and create future developments.Here are 4 solutions accessible to all: ADVERTISING: Disable your banner blocker (AdBlock, ) and click on our banner ads. The Death Lord had run out of friends among the Traitor primarchs. In Mortarion's opinion it should have been cordoned off, put away, forgotten about forever by Mankind. I take it at face value for a simple reason: Depending on how you interpret the lore, the Emperor stole the Warp essences of the Primarchs once in order to create them. The people of Barbarus were slow to accept this pale, gaunt stranger from the mountains, but Mortarion was given a chance to prove his worth when creatures enthralled to another warlord attacked the village. The Mortarion Model in Warhammer 40k. As the daemon sagged back against the wall, feeling her soul pulled back to the Empyrean by the Primarch's psychic might, Mortarion continued to hammer her furiously with his fists, pouring out all of his fury onto the broken physical shell. reader breathless. The silent Deathshroud were just as implacable as their master, as they fought the White Scars keshig amidst the wreckage of a lost world. To those unfortunates on the far side, in the region now named the Imperium Nihilus, the "Dark Imperium," it is something much worse -- the very gates of Hell. Perhaps Typhon's revelation was instrumental in Mortarion's own fall to the Ruinous Powers; perhaps Mortarion would have walked a dark path on his own. "[1] Little Kitten did confirm that Kaldor Draigo had carved a name into a Daemon Primarch's heart: it has yet to be confirmed to be Mortarion in TTS Canon but it is a clear allusion to Kaldor's actions in canon.[2]. A new stage of the war began. If The Emperor Had a Text-To-Speech Device Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Mortarion declared he would turn Garro into an undead puppet to serve him for eternity, summoning a great host of flies to convert him into a Nurgle abomination. Eventually, Mortarion could suffer no more and gave himself over to Chaos to stop the pain. Published by on October 31, 2021. His words were simple and delivered in a harsh whisper that never the less carried to each and every one: "You are my unbroken blades. Mortarion proceeded to explain the reason for his recent arrival; he told Jaghatai that he had sought him out, for things had changed. Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion before the Horus Heresy wielding his massive scythe Silence and his sidearm known as The Lantern. Warriors of both sides soon fell, their bodies caked in the thickness of blood and dust, but the dispute raged on, bitter and unyielding. The foremost Chaplain of the Word Bearers, Erebus, inducted Typhon into the secrets of the Seven Pillared Lodge, one of the Warrior Lodges that had begun to spread throughout the Space Marine Legions in the later days of the Great Crusade. Such freedom could only be won in the Primarch's mind by destroying those that would shackle and devour humanity. Either way, there would be room for others to rise to power over the galaxy to come. It was whilst on campaign with the Word Bearers Legion earlier in the Great Crusade that Typhon had learned of a different path for the Legiones Astartes to follow, a future where his hard-won but hidden psychic abilities would be a source of greatness instead of a taboo to be hidden from sight. The only consistent information regarding Mortarion and his homeworld come from a single source: the Stygian Scrolls of Lackland Thorn, a historian and polymath attached to the explorator fleet that discovered Barbarus. He brings decay and sickness, despair and fear to all those who witness his dark majesty. He left his blade unsheathed, holding it loosely at his side. Unlike Angron and Fulgrim, he did not even attempt to penetrate the Emperor's psychic shield around the Palace. His physical form devastated and his spirit sent to the Immaterium, Draigo carved his forebear's name into the Daemon's heart, an insult Mortarion has never forgotten. With communications severed and relief forces cut off by fresh Warp Storms, the defenders were hard-pressed in a hundred locations across Ultramar. Their father's time was over -- the Khan could either be a part of the new order that replaced Him or be swept aside in its wake. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Sci-Fi - Space Marines, Primarch/s - Chapters: 16 - Words: 345,044 . Wolf Lord Rho here!Today we discuss the revelation of the Emperor's words to his son, the returned Roboute Guilliman. He pledged himself to Nurgle and the torture ceased. [18] During the battle on Terra he oversaw the siege of the Western regions of the Palace, spreading plague and misery wherever he appeared. However this was assailed in a massive counterattack led by Mortarion's old foe Jaghatai Khan, leading a force of White Scars and Imperial Army. There are lots of great details including a really interesting Death Guard backpack variant." Two accompany him at all times and are never more than forty-nine paces from his side. Eventually the Khan found the answers he sought in the crystal caves deep underground, beneath the destroyed Prosperine capital city of Tizca. I really think he does see a path through which Mortarion could one day be redeemed. Eventually, Mortarion began to move from village to village, teaching along the way and if need be, defend the settlements. Nurgle was apparently pleased by this act of cultivation. Mortarion claimed the Daemon World later known as the "Plague Planet" as his new homeworld and it proved to be an ideal base for launching attacks from out of the Eye of Terror into the physical universe. Out right forgiveness would not be trusted or accepted by mortgage but the promise of a mere chance sometime in the future. [4], After Roboute Guilliman was resurrected in the closing days of the 41st Millennium, Mortarion sensed his brother's rebirth. Mortarion with his Deathshroud during the Horus Heresy. Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is frequently found standing before a podium, facing the cameras, attacking "woke" Democrats while promoting legislation some call fascist and pursuing an authoritarian agenda. [1][6b], A lesser warlord had arrived with his shambling undead legions and began to carry off those they could for their master's plans. The only way to save themselves was to swear allegiance to Nurgle. And I dont think the Emperor means there will be a true redemption for any of the chaos Primarchs where they all fight the good fight and it's all sunshine, rainbows, and brotherhood 4 eva. Draigo's insult would not soon be forgotten, as the Daemon Primarch vowed his vengeance against the upstart mortal. One untouched and untainted by any of Nurgle's brothers. [2], The Deathshroud are his personal bodyguard. A Primarch! Official lore and fan fluff are welcomed. [11] Mortarion expressed a hatred of all things related to the Warp, and felt betrayed when he managed to sneak into the Imperial Palace and discovered the Golden Throne under construction. Though the Primarch's physical strength was enormous, the daemon knew that it would not help him, for she was not a creature of realspace, defined and constrained only by laws and powers that the Primarch feared to invoke. But he would endeavour to understand it -- to overcome it. ", A Death Guard Plague Marine after emerging from the Warp, changed by the corrupting influence of the Plague God Nurgle. After witnessing the Overlords hauling captive humans away for torture and experimentation[17a], Mortarion escaped from his holdings and descended the mountain, the warlord bellowing after him of his treachery and that to return would mean death.
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